AI-VR Workflow 

For my 4th year minor projects course I wanted to take the opportunity to explore the use of AI and VR together in a design project to flush out a workflow in the design of this scifi inspired wrench.

AI Iteration 

Through this process I would photoshop sketch the design, then run it through "Image to Image" AI to get a variety of results. I would pick the best parts of those designs and photoshop them together, and run it through again. Through iterating on this process  I would hone the design towards a final result. 

Gravity Sketch VR Model

During my time as part of the Gravity Sketch Student Ambassador Program, I learned how to us Virtual Reality to quickly turn my 2d sketches into 3d models. 

Next I took the images from stable diffusion into Gravity Sketch, and made a form model to get the right form. Then I created a rough mockup of the mechanical aspects. Gravity Sketch has been a greqt tool for thinking in 3d about complecated 3 dimensional interactions. I enjoy using it to make rough mechanical mockups and itterations before going into CAD. 

Final Prototype

Using the gravity sketch mechanical mockup I took the design into solidworks. Then I proceeded to CNC out the aluminum frame and 3d print the other components. This is a Hex multitool: a portable socket set and screwdriver.

Solidworks Model